risky truth

Yellow Polka group 1One of the most enjoyable parts of THS is dressing up our gorgeous friends and photographing their hotness in our goods.  Just a few weeks ago, we spent the day creating some content for our Fall 2014 Tradesy closet, and I overheard something that stayed with me.  Our müdel, Margit, was wearing a fabulous vintage poodle skirt,  graphic T and a faux-fur cape when she casually stated “I love this outfit! I wish I had somewhere to wear it.”  The sassy sarcastic a-hole in me wanted to shout at her – “Who gives an eff, wear it to work tomorrow!”   But, I have been to Margit’s office and fully understand that wearing 6 rings, an aztec print sweater and patterned tights makes you the folly of the day’s constant, running jokes.  And who I am kidding, I work with homeless people where showing up to work in something so fresh would be…odd to say the least.

Being odd is vulnerable in many ways.  The safest thing in the world is to blend in, look like everyone else and avoid putting yourself in the position of being the object of any ridicule.  But in doing so, you are also robbing yourself of being the object of interest, or intrigue, or inspiration.   

Taking risks should be done as often as possible. And the truth is, we dictate how often it is possible.  If you will indulge me a little psychotherapy moment here, our tolerance for discomfort and anxiety + our resiliency to failure dictate how often it is possible. 

But here is the RISKY TRUTH.  Like anything in life, the more risks you take, the more comfortable you become with each one after the other.  It’s called exposure therapy and it is basically throwing yourself face first into your fears.  And it is aw…..ful. And  awesome.  Simultaneously. Another truth: it gets easier.

It feels like I am friends with the skinniest, prettiest, nicest, tallest women in the world who have the perkiest boobs, smallest waists, straightest teeth, best skin, best hair, and make up skills in the entire world.  I know what you are thinking, “Good thing she is HILARIOUS.”  And here is one of the little secrets I have learned: just because my friends are super humans and super models, it doesn’t mean they are invincible and they also have moments of deep and paralyzing insecurities.  We all do.

That is why I love THS so much.  Thrifting allows us to take these risks.  I have literally come home from a hunt with a red polyester one piece jumper straight from ’82 and thought, “If I can just do 80 squats a day, this would be SO FLY.”  At the end of the day I may eat Hershey kisses and watch Katie’s athletic body leap around, but I don’t self loathe too much because I donated to a good cause, had some great laughs and spent the grand total of a sandwich on that risky item. 

So ladies…arm yourselves with this truth and dig out that outfit you are obsessed with that is a little too crazy for the office, too wild for that brunch, or too bold for that first date and put it on!  Because you know what, you are WORTH it and life is too F-ing short.  Go take some risks!

p.s. Margit bought the other poodle skirt from our photo shoot and promptly wore it out that night.  Like a boss.



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